
Nephrology deals with finding the correct diagnosis and treatment of kidney-related diseases. Every human body has two kidneys, which are responsible for removing waste products and excess fluid from the body. They are also critical for retaining fluid of the body and maintaining electrolyte concentrations that may be subjected to change due to numerous pathology.

Our consultant is expert in all facets of kidney disease including management of acute and chronic kidney disease, dialysis management, genetic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, complicated hypertension management and electrolyte and acid base disorders.


  • Renal disease counseling and management
  • Hemodialysis 
  • 24 hr. emergency Dialysis facility 
  • Renal Biopsy and further diagnostic workup 
  • Renal clinics (Nephrology clinic, HD clinic, Screening of renal dysfunction.) 
  • AV Fistula surgery
  • Managing target organ damage due to chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension on the kidneys
  • Diagnosing and managing Autoimmune diseases including lupus and autoimmune vasculitis


Dr Sushma Thapa MD, DM Nephrology

Dr. Sushma Thapa
Dr. Sushma Thapa

Consultant Nephrologist


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