Designation : Consultant Anaesthesiologist
Meet Dr. Gul Vaidya, a distinguished Senior Consultant Anaesthetist at National City Hospital. Graduating from Government Medical College Nagpur in 1989, she further pursued her post-graduation at the same esteemed institute in 1997. With a wealth of experience, Dr. Vaidya has spent years delivering anesthesia and managing ICUs at TU Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu for five years post-graduation. In 2005, she extended her services to Bharatpur, Chitwan, where she served at Asha Hospital until 2019 before joining the esteemed team at National City Hospital.
A dedicated and passionate professional, Dr. Vaidya's commitment to her field is evident through her meticulous attention to patient safety during anesthesia procedures. Her enthusiasm also extends to teaching the next generation of medical practitioners. With her profound knowledge and years of experience, Dr. Vaidya continues to leave an indelible mark on the field of anesthesiology.