Doctor Details
Dr. Binuma Shrestha

Dr. Binuma Shrestha (MBBS,MD-Gynecology)

Department : Gynecology and Obstetrics

Designation : Consultant Gynecological Surgeon

Dr. Binuma Shrestha is a distinguished gynecologist and an esteemed expert in gynecological surgery and the comprehensive management of gynecological cancers for more than 20 years of experience. As a leading gynecological oncologist at National City Hospital, Dr. Binuma Shrestha brings unparalleled expertise and compassion to her practice, ensuring the highest level of care for her patients.

Areas of Expertise:

Dr. Binuma Shrestha specializes in:

  • Advanced Open and laparoscopic surgeries for gynecological conditions
  • State-of-the-art surgical interventions for ovarian, cervical, uterine, and other gynecological cancers
  • Personalized treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs
  • Minimally invasive approaches to optimize recovery and outcomes
  • Pioneering Gynecological Cancer Care

Dr. Binuma Shrestha is at the forefront of gynecological cancer research, actively contributing to advancements in the field. Her dedication to innovative therapies ensures that her patients have access to cutting-edge treatments and the latest breakthroughs in gynecological oncology.

Patient-Centered Approach:

Dr. Binuma is deeply committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive care to her patients. She prioritizes open communication, understanding, and empathy, guiding her patients through every step of their journey with warmth and expertise.

Dedication to National City Hospital:

Dr. Binuma Shrestha is proud to be a part of National City Hospital, where she leads the gynecological oncology department. Her dedication to advancing women's health and her commitment to excellence align perfectly with the hospital's mission to deliver outstanding care to the community.

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